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    'What I've done'에 해당되는 글 55

    1. 2010.06.11 yFiles for Java version up release notes (2.2 ~ 2.7)
    2010. 6. 11. 14:34 Programming/Java

    yFiles는 yWorks 사에서 개발한 entensive java class library 이다.
    이 라이브러리는 그래프의 시각화, 분석에 유용하게 사용할 수 있다.
    지원하는 언어로는 Java, Flex, AJAX, .NET, Silverlight가 있다.
    현재 연구실에서 사용하는 버전은 yFiles for Java버전으로, 현재는 2.7 까지 나왔다.
    2.7  버전의 academic 판 가격은 $1,440 이다.
    홈페이지에서 신청하면 30일 평가판을 사용해볼 수 있다. (http://www.yworks.com/en/products_yfiles_about.html)

    주요 업그레이드 정보는 다음과 같다.

    2.2 -> 2.3
    - New hierarchical layout algorithm that features sophisticated incremental layout and fine-grained layout customization
    - New tree layout algorithm that supports fine-grained layout customization
    - Refactored settings dialogs and dialog components
    - Many layout improvements, great and small
    - Intuitive mouse wheel support for GUI components

    2.3 -> 2.4
    -Support for using Swing UI components to render nodes ( http://www.yworks.com/images/swing_realizer_thumb.jpg ) 
    -New directed orthogonal layout algorithm that features advanced UML-style layout ( http://www.yworks.com/images/directe...onal_thumb.jpg )
    -Enhanced tree layout algorithms that support fine-grained layout customization ( http://www.yworks.com/images/assistants_thumb.jpg ) 
    Bridges in edge paths that resolve the visual ambiguity induced by edge crossings ( http://www.yworks.com/images/bridges_thumb.jpg )

    2.4 -> 2.5
  • hierarchical layout enhancements that allow to explicitly specify the layering of nodes both absolute and relative
  • best-of-class support for hierarchically organized graphs with incremental hierarchical layout, including consistent collapsing and expanding of group nodes
  • new magnifying glass "tool" that provides local zooming "at your finger tips"
  • new orthogonal layout algorithm that produces compact orthogonal layouts
  • new orthogonal edge routing algorithm
  • new line-wrapping/column-wrapping layout algorithm
  • improved support for the customization of label look and feel; label-text can automatically be line-wrapped according to a specified width and/or height and is automatically cropped for the visual representation if necessary
  • full editor/viewer support for orthogonal edge paths that allows to maintain the orthogonal routing of edges during all kinds of user interactions
  • many layout improvements, great and small

    2.5 -> 2.6
  • swimlane layout for grouped graphs
  • new stylish node painter implementations that provide a variety of visual representations for nodes
  • new domain-specific layout algorithm suited for genealogical family trees
  • comprehensive yEd Lite source code demo
  • support for user-defined constrained node sequencing in hierarchical layouts that allows to specify nodes to be placed at the beginning or the end of their respective layer, or to be placed before/after a given reference node
  • support for model-view relationships between a distinguished graph and an arbitrary number of so-called "satellite graphs" that can each be rendered in their own view
  • layout and editing support for minimum size and maximum size constraints for nodes
  • many layout improvements, great and small

    2.6 -> 2.7
  • New realizer class TableGroupNodeRealizer provides extensive support for tabular presentation of subgraphs which is well suited for the visual presentation of swimlane layouts.
    This new realizer also provides support for user interaction through dedicated mouse input handler implementations.
  • New dedicated mouse input handler implementations TableLabelEditor, TableSelectionEditor, TableSizeEditor, and TableOrderEditor accompany the TableGroupNodeRealizer class and provide support for user interaction specific to the tabular data representation of an associated node.
  • Layout algorithm class IncrementalHierarchicLayouter provides enhanced support for swimlane layout through comprehensive new partition grid concept.
    The PartitionGrid class enables the definition of grid-like structures (partitions) consisting of rows and columns, and assignment of nodes of a diagram to the grid (partition) cells.
  • The SwimlaneDemo demonstrates the capabilities of TableGroupNodeRealizer and its mouse input handlers, as well as automatic layout of swimlane diagrams.
  • posted by 다엄